Best Quality Product and Highest Service Level
Our ShareholdersProducing the highest quality packaging products such as laminated aluminum foil, laminated plastic film, coated aluminum foil in the form of rolls, bags and sheets through a comprehensive process that combines knowledge, high technology development and experience.
We started our business in 1976 with only 40 employees on a land area of 1000 sqm. But now we are the main producer and specialist for flexible packaging materials in Indonesia, equipped with sufficient experience, knowledge and technology to keep up with the advancements and developments of the times and technology.
PT Indogravure was founded in 1971 which is the first flexible packaging in Indonesia that uses a Rotogravure printing machine. We are a company engaged in the manufacture of flexible packing for various industrial segments such as Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals, Food, Cosmetics, and others.